Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Girls camp at Kolob

On the 20th of June I went to Girls Camp with my Aunt Loretta's and Cheryl’s ward. we got up Early, packed the cars, and drove to Kolob. Then we pitched our tents and we set up camp. Then we did roll call, where all the wards meet and do a song and the announcements. I don't remember what we did after that, But one of the ycl's fell off the zip line cause she didn't get strapped in tight enough. She is OK though. She came back the next day.

The next day we woke up bright and early (the first and last time we would) There was a first year hike, but I didn't go because I had already passed it off, so I decided to stay and work on the skit we were going to do that night. I don't remember much after that, but most of the day was free time so we made bracelets, decorated rocks with puffy paint and worked on the skit and I was the star of it. For the skit Bronwyn (a fourth year) did all of our makeup. It was cool. That night we did our skit: it was really fun. Three the leaders in the stake were judges, so they acted like Simon, Paula and Randy. It was really funny. We didn't place first or second (the ycls placed first), but I loved it any way.

The next morning we ate breakfast, and had free time, then we did a service project( we cleaned up the roads) and we made lip gloss and bracelets. and after that we went on a little hike around the camp and then we got to TAKE SHOWERS!!! Although it was a waste since we were going home the next day. Then we did archery and got to go on the zip line. It was so fun!

On the last day, all we did was pack up camp and clean up garbage. The way out seemed to take longer than the way in. It was like a never ending road !

While we were at camp, we had a secret sister. Mine was Lexi, my kinda cousin. She is my cousins cousin, but I count her as one cause we always go to family events together.

I was sad to leave, but I hope I get to go again next year, but I have my new wards camp coming up!


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