So Two weeks ago apparently David Archuleta came and sang for another stake that is doing the temple celebration. i guess to give them "inspiration" And when my friends found out about that they were very upset that Daybreak stake didn't invite us (they are what you call "Crazy" fans, no offense:)
So about a week ago my mom asks my friend Alex while we are driving if she knows who the "special" person that it coming on Wednesday is (Alex's mom is the choreographer) Alex has no idea. when i ask my mom what in the world she is talking about she replies " Well, if Alex's mom hasn't told her then maybe you arnt supposed to know."
Well she had me going for that hole week thinking someone special was coming. and she dropped a few hints saying that it was a dancer, a girl, and she is on a show that we watch every week. Well i put two and two together and i knew the only show that we watched every week that had dancing was dancing with the stars. so i thought Jullianne Hough was coming.
My mom had all of my friends in on it, and Alex's mom too.(which btw thank you guys for siding with my mom dont you have any dignity!) I spent all of wedding getting ready.
So when that night rolls around i see Ellie walk in with a blonde wig and her "dance" uniform and she walks up to me and says "Hi im Jullianne Hough"
I was mad.
Luckily not that many people saw her though. just most of the boys. and they thought it was "super funny"
I still dont forgive them
I promise you mom i will get back at you!!
oh you too Courtney and Alex. YOU SHOULDN'T LIE TO ME!
Specail thanks to Erendira and Courtnney for my "extra" april fools joke. Thanks for hiding all of my clothes and then making me go find them! i spent a hole HOUR doing that!
Love you fooled neice, daughter, grandaughter, cousin, friend, best friend,
Courtney dancing her heart out wiht her partner Carson :]
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