Christmas came and went so fast! so heres what i did.
1. Rylee came up to visit me and we had a blast! we went to Ikea and took crazy pictures, shopped! and just hung out. i still have no idea how we pulled it off in 4 hours and got her on a plane for the next day.
love ya Ry!
2. Christmas was great! On Christmas Eve we hung out at my moms Bff's house with there family and had a big dinner. And we also went to temple square It WAS SO COLD!.But they didnt turn on the lights before we had to leave.:( The wind was Blowing SO hard that the snow on the street looked like it was dancing.
Then in christmas morning we didnt wake up till 9 (there was no point in waking up earlier the presents will still be there no matter what time you wake up)
A couple of years ago Santa did a treasure hunt. so the old man thought he'd do it again this year.
I didnt get anything to exiting unless you count all the clothes i got. (which was alot!)
Athena got some Barbies and a pony that walks (she is so scared of that thing.)
Ellie got a radio. (so now she wont steal mine.)
And Sage got............. well Sage just got stuff.:]Well she did get some Boots and a Best Friends jacket to share with her best friend Tayla. the jacket zipes in half so the you zip the two half together. (see picture below)
By the time we where done opening presents, the snow on the ground was at least 5 ft. and it just kept on snowing. So that night i made it my job to shovel the snow for 3 hours. then my body ached the rest of the night.
After that we went to go see Bedtime Story's at the movie theater.
There is only on reason why it was the saddest.
1. Even thought we have lived in Utah for 3 years this is the first one we have actually spent it in Utah. so it was really hard to not be with our family.
Hope you all enjoyed you Christmas.'
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