Athena, Athena, Athena. is what i say most she is the #2 most head strong person in this house (sage is #1) that little girl says the weirdest most radomest things like........ when my mom left the presidential debat on TV the rest of the night she went around saying Brack Obama! or when i accidentally bumped her she turns around and says "you are making me angry". or when she had a friend over and i walk past and she says " thats my sister Roma, she is very pretty, but she is also mean. like one time she stole my red crayon" or when we where going through the bin of halloween costumes she put on a tiger costume and wouldnt take it off so she fell asleep in it and when she woke up she says to my mom "mom i hate this tiger costume cause when i woke up it was all up my BUTT!" or when someone get in trouble she says "ooo your in trouble."
she is going to be a fun teenager.
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